Friday, October 7, 2011

Can You See An Eagle?


What's that flying among the clouds? This cloud formation, looking like a huge eagle soaring through the sky, appeared above Cumbria. Two massive wings on either side of a central body and head give the impression the bird is swooping down over the coast of Maryport. Ally McGurk took the photo from her back window after her partner, Steve, noticed the formation. She said: "This is a cloud formation that appeared in the sky over the Solway Firth, which is just a mile from our house. We get loads of fabulous sunsets, especially in the early autumn, as the house faces north-west. Steve said it had looked even more like a bird before he called me, but since I missed that bit, I'm just grateful he told me when he did. To me, it looks like an eagle, though I've had suggestions of other predatory birds, like hawks, from other people." Is it a bird...? Is it a plane...?

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